“R for Geospatial Processing”
2019-08-27, 14:00–18:00, Room 5

Spatial manipulation and cartography with R software has been made easy and fun in recent years.

R is an open source language and environment for statistical computing and a major player in the field of data science.
Its community is one of the most welcoming and inclusive communities for programmers.
In this respect, it is very similar to the OSGeo community.

Until recently, although possible, geospatial manipulations or creating nice maps were not easy in R.
But things have changed for the best! Packages like {sf} that allow easy Simple Features manipulation with direct connection to GDAL, GEOS, PROJ,
and geospatial functions offer a new tidy and easy way to manipulate spatial data.
R is a powerhouse for geostatistical analysis with tried and tested algorithms for spatial auto-correlation (Moran's I, Geary indices), spatial interpolation (kriging, etc),
and many more. Many packages allow one to create nice and decent maps, even interactive ones for the web!

This workshop is aimed at all levels of participants, from newcomers to GIS veterans and R users who want to get a grasp on spatial data and spatial analysis!
It will cover R basics, data manipulation, spatial operations, and cartography.

Detailed Outline: this tutorial will cover a variety of techniques that will help the user to manipulate geospatial data within R to produce insightful output.

An overview of the topics covered are:
* Understanding R basics (dataframes, functions, etc)
* Understanding spatial data in R
* Loading and manipulating spatial data (vector, raster, projections)
* Using spatial algorithms
* Creating maps and web maps