“Learn how to create web applications for your needs with Mapbender”
2019-08-26, 14:00–18:00, Room 11
Mapbender is a content management system for geospatial data services and map applications. With Mapbender you can create applications without writing a single line of code. Mapbender is a flexible client for OGC services. Mapbender is based on Symfony, JQuery and OpenLayers.
Mapbender has an administration web interface to do all the work. Mapbender helps you to set up a repository for your OWS Services and to create individual applications for different user needs. An application can provide search modules, digitizer functionality, print & more.
You have access control and can provide applications for defined users and groups.
In this workshop you will learn how to create web applications with Mapbender.
We will create a great application for Bucharest with local WMS Services, search and digitize functionality.