“Explore UK Crime Data with Pandas and GeoPandas”
2019-08-26, 14:00–18:00, Room 8
In this workshop you will learn how to expand your Python skills to geospatial data. Pandas is one of the main Python libraries for manipulating and analysing structured data and one of the first things to learn if you want to get started with data science. GeoPandas is an extension to Pandas that makes working with geospatial data in Python easier.
This workshop is an introduction to Pandas and GeoPandas where you will learn about:
- Jupyter notebooks
- Pandas and GeoPandas data structures
- Transforming and exploring geospatial data
- Visualising data with charts and maps
During the workshop we will analyse UK Crime Data with Pandas and GeoPandas in a Jupyter notebook. We first will look at the properties of geospatial data and explore the different commands. After you have learned the basics we will go through some exercises analysing UK Crime Data to explore patterns and trends and create maps of crime rates in London.