2019 FOSS4G Bucharest Talks speaker: Christopher Beddow

Mapillary Mobile Apps & SDKs
Mapillary SDKs enable any developer to easily build apps with functionality for geotagged image capture, Mapillary authentication, and uploading to Mapillary. In this session, we will explore the SDKs, demo some Mapillary apps that are built on the SDKs, and look at how these apps are being used to solve real-world challenges.
Street-level Imagery as Open Data
Not all open data comes in traditional geospatial formats: for years, organizations around the world have collected photo and video logs of roads for annual surveys, but until recently these have been overlooked as a form of open data. Mapillary now hosts over 500,000km of government road imagery. We will explore how this is being used both to improve government workflows and how traffic signs, crosswalks, and other data can be added to OpenSteetMap by citizens using imagery previously seen only by a handful of government employees.