2019 FOSS4G Bucharest Talks speaker: Matthew Hanson

STAC and OS software
The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog specification is an emerging standard for to cataloging geospatial data from different sources, and a specification for serving that data in an API. This talk will be a detailed overview of STAC illustrating it's usefullness in integration with cloud-based processing workflows. It will cover the core set of metadata fields for STAC Catalogs, Collections, and Items, along with available extensions for describing different types of data (EO, SAR, Point Cloud, etc.).
With the basics of STAC in hand, we will then go over the available Open Source tools that are available for working with STAC metadata: validators, compliant APIs, client command line tools and libraries for search, access, and exploitation. Finally we will give an overview of available STAC catalogs for searching and accessing publicly available datasets (e.g., Landsat-8, Sentinel-1/2, NAIP) using these Open Source tools.
After this talk you should have a good understanding of the metadata used to describe satellite imagery and be able to use existing open-source tools to immediately search and access this data.
How open-source software made CubeSatData.com possible
Over the last several years, Element 84 has been centrally involved in NASA’s transition to the cloud, supporting their Earth Observing System (EOS) and Earthdata programs representing over 20PBs of remote sensing data and preparing for an order of magnitude increase with upcoming missions. Based on this experience, and backed by a variety of great open-source software, we have created a self-service remote sensing data management platform for smaller projects and teams.
Cubesatdata.com is designed to support data management following downlink of L0 data and includes end-to-end system architecture, cloud archive optimization, data pipeline processing and archives of convenience, as well as a robust user-interface for search, discovery, and visualizations. This managed service provides a lower cost of entry for academic institutions, nonprofits, and other small businesses who lack the domain expertise or the desire to support an end-to-end data management system.
This talk will focus on how the Cubesatdata.com service works and what open-source software made it possible.
How Open is Revolutionizing Science
The FOSS4G community is much more than OS Software. The community, while small globally, has had, and continues to have an outsized impact on science using geospatial data. This impact starts with Open Ideas: the community fosters the free-flow exchange of ideas that lead to Open Standards for interoperability, Open Data for democratizing data access, and Open Source Software for the use and analysis of data.
Science fields wishing to leverage remote sensing data has historically suffered from several challenges. Archives of remote sensing data can be large, and finding just the desired pieces of data can be time consuming, as every dataset is accessed in different ways. The data then often requires pre-processing and reformatting: reprojection, clipping, assembling time series, or even some more complex operations. Lastly, processing and analyzing these large datasets can take massive computing resources, making large scale studies difficult, if not impossible. The impact of all this on Open Science (the movement to make science more accessible on all levels) is clear - complex custom-made tools required for each dataset does not support making science more accessible.
Now, the culmination of several advances in Open Standards, Open Data, and Open Source, along with cloud computing, are helping realize Open Science. And FOSS4G has been here all along, where many of these advances started as Open Ideas.