According to the recent survey that we conducted in Mukuru informal settlement here in Kenya. Total organic waste per house hold is 11.065 kg per week. Toxic waste is 1.089 kg per week. Recyclable waste is 3.5 kg per week. Total average waste per week is 15 kg the question is where does this waste go?? Over 50% of respondents claimed that there are no efforts being made to deal with waste. Again what happens to this waste?? 18.9 % bury their waste placing it in drainage or undeveloped spaces. This is posing a great danger to our environment and beyond. During rainy seasons this waste is carried away blocking drainage and some gets its to the rivers and all the way to the sea.
Note in Nairobi Kenya alone. We have 57 informal settlement and Kenya as a whole got 167 informal settlement. How many tonnes of garbage are produced in this areas. Which are defined as SLUMS.