2019 FOSS4G Bucharest Talks speaker: Andrea Aime

Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer, with SLD, CSS, YSLD and MBStyles
Various software can style maps and generate a proper SLD document for OGC compliant WMS like GeoServer to use.
Several topics will be covered, providing examples in the various GeoServer styling languages, including:
- Mastering common symbolization, filtering, multi-scale styling
- Using GeoServer extensions to build common hatch patterns, line styling beyond the basics, such as cased lines, controlling symbols along a line and the way they repeat
- Leveraging TTF symbol fonts and SVGs to generate good looking point thematic maps
- Using the full power of GeoServer label lay-outing tools to build pleasant, informative maps on both point, polygon and line layers, including adding road plates around labels, leverage the labelling subsystem conflict resolution engine to avoid overlaps in stand alone point symbology
- Dynamically transform data during rendering to get more explicative maps without the need to pre-process a large amount of views.
The presentation aims to provide the attendees with enough information to master GeoServer styling documents and most of GeoServer extensions to generate appealing, informative, readable maps that can be quickly rendered on screen.
State of GeoServer 2019
State of GeoServer provides an update on our community and reviews the new and noteworthy features for 2019. GeoServer is a web service for publishing your geospatial data. using industry standards for vector, raster and mapping.
We have an active community and a lot to cover for 2.14 and 2.15 release, as well what is cooking in September’s 2.16 release.
Each release provides exciting new features, this talk covers diverse improvements across GeoServer:
- Support for Java 11 deployments
- And update on the ongoing work on WFS 3.0 and next generation of WMTS
- Extensions to WPS for better controlling status and progress of processes
- JAI-EXT enabled by default, and what that means for your raster map publishing
- Map algebra support
- Data store functionality improvements, including news for MongoDB and PostGIS
- Styling subsystem improvements
- And much more…
Attend this talk for a cheerful update on what is happening with this popular OSGeo project. Whether you are an expert user, a developer, or simply curious what GeoServer can do for you.
GeoServer feature frenzy
What can you do with this GeoServer thing? This talk covers some of the basic (and not so basic) ways to use GeoServer to publish your geospatial data and make it look great!
GeoServer made its first release in 2001 and has grown into an amazing, capable and diverse program. This also means the “feature list” is spread over years of release announcements, presentations, mailing list archives!
This presentations provides a whirlwind tour of GeoServer and everything it can do today!
This talk is a visual guide to the features of GeoServer. Are you just getting started with GeoServer, or considering it for the first time? Attend this talk and prioritize what you want to look into first. Are you an expert user who has been running GeoServer since version 1.0? Attend this talk and see what tricks an optimizations you have been missing out on!
Mapping the world beyond Web Mercator
Most popular mapping presentations today, ranging from clients to servers, show and discuss only maps in web mercator, the popular Mercator derived projection used by OSM as well as most commercial tiles providers.
There is however an interesting, exciting world of map projections out there, that are still being used in a variety of context. This presentation will introduce the advancement made in GeoTools and GeoServer to handle those use cases, where users have a worldwide data set, and need to view all or part of it in multiple projections, some of which valid in a limited area, and requiring the software to perform a proper display of it on the fly, without any preparation.
We’ll discuss GeoTools/GeoServer “advanced projection handling” manages to deal with these cases, wrapping data, dealing with the poles and the dateline, cutting on the fly excess data, densifying on the fly long lines as needed to ensure a smooth reprojection, for a variety of cases, ranging from seemingly innocuous datum shifts, maps having the prime meridian over the pacific, and the various tricks to properly handle stereographic, transverse mercator, Lambert conic and other limited area projections against world wide source data sets.
Crunching Data In GeoServer : Mastering Rendering Transformations, WPS Processes And SQL Views.
This presentation will provide the attendee with an introduction to data processing in GeoServer by means of WPS, rendering transformations and SQL views, describing real applications and how these facilities were used in them. We'll start with the basic WPS capabilities, showing how to build processing request based on existing processes and how to build new processes leveraging scripting languages, and introducing unique GeoServer integration features, showing how processing can seamlessly integrate directly in the GeoServer data sources and complement existing services.
Moreover, we will show how to integrate on the fly processing in WMS requests, achieving high performance data displays without having to pre-process the data in advance, and allowing the caller to interactively choose processing parameters.
While the above shows how to make GeoServer perform the work, the processing abilities of spatial databases should not be forgotten, so we will show how certain classes of processing can be achieved directly in the database.
At the end the attendee will be able to easily issue WPS requests both for Vectors and Rasters to GeoServer through the WPS Demo Builder, enrich SLDs with on-the-fly rendering transformations.
GeoServer WFS3: introduction to the RESTful, schemaless, JSON first download service
The WFS 3 specification introduces a number of significant changes in the protocol
compared to older versions, to mention just a few:
- Small core with basic functionality, extra functionality provided by extensions
- OpenAPI/RESTful based
- GeoJSON first, while still allowing serving data in GML
- No mandate to publish schemas for data
Come to this presentation to have a quick introduction to this new protocol version,
get updates on its implementation in GeoServer, and get a hint of how the protocol
is going to evolve in the future, also based on the June 2019 London OGC API hackaton.
Standing up a OSM clone with GeoServer and CSS
See that little map on the geoserver.org web site? While looking a lot like plain OpenStreetMap tiles, it’s actually rendered by a GeoServer, using CSS styles, off a PostGIS database.
The map aims to be a very close clone of the actual OSM official one, meaning it has a lot of little details often removed from lookalikes to reduce the data to be loaded and rendered.
This presentation will provide a little history of its development, the performance added to speed up its rendering, a good look at the styles styles used, and the overall setup and the of the GeoServer, both in terms of physical deployment, configuration and tuning.
Finally, we’ll show an alternative setup and map, still working on GeoServer, but based on styles and data from the OpenMapTiles project.
State of JAI
The Java Advanced Imaging is a powerful Java image processing engine underlines our popular OSGeo open source projects - including GeoTools, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, GeoNode, and more!
This talk explores:
- Capabilities that make JAI attractive for GeoSpatial work
- How JAI has been used in our community
- The JAI-EXT project by GeoSolutions
- Secret stuff that may be ready by August
One of the reasons our community has been so addicted to this library is its power. It explored concepts like parallel processing, and distributed parallel processing in 1999, well ahead of the curve. It is an excellent example of engineering and software design.
Tragically there has been one problem with this ... the JAI library is not open source! The library originated at Sun Microsystem as a core component of the Java Runtime Environment, but was not included as part of OpenJDK collaboration.
Importantly we will cover the search for an open source alternative, and the exciting progress made thus far. Come see how this foundational library is being propelled into an open source future by our community.
The secret life of open source developers
A common question seen on many open source mailing lists is “When will you guys fix my bug? It is critical to my company!” This is often followed by one of the developers replying to say “When you write a fix or pay someone to do it”. This leads to the user complaining to everyone that this “snarkiness” is not a “welcoming” response or how unreasonable it is to expect them to learn to program, or to pay. The discussion often descends into a rambling maze of twisty insults and justifications. When the fuss dies down, all the developers go back to doing what they the were doing (something useful) and the user becomes either a dissatisfied user or an ex-user.
This talk by two veteran open source developers will help users see that play out from our the developer point of view. We’ll look at the reasons that drive developers to share their code, the licencing conditions covering it, the real life of developers and associated constraints, and what is actually reasonable to expect from both sides.