2019 FOSS4G Bucharest Talks speaker: Vincent Picavet


Behind the mirror : how we run an OpenSource company

All of you are OpenSource software users. While you know how the software runs, you may not know what is behind the mirror.

Nowadays, most OpenSource software are written by employees of companies. There are plenty of organizational models for these companies. In this presentation we drop the mask and talk about the principles driving our own organization.

As a matter of fact, we try as a company to have a strong coherency between what we do - OpenSource software - and how we do it. Transparency and asynchronicity for example are among the principles laying the basis for our day-to-day work. We are part of the Opensource community at large, and we have a very similar organization.

During this talk, we explain the way we work, our motivations and and how a distributed team made of individuals joins forces to produce OpenSource software and try to have a positive impact on its environment.

From proprietary GIS to OpenSource : overview of a software stack

The GIS market evolves at a fast rate. OpenSource GIS solutions have a much stronger maturity now than a few years back.

We see a global trend with big companies modernizing their IT and their GIS solutions, seriously evaluating OpenSource GIS compared to their former proprietary softwares, and launching migration plans.

OpenSource solutions often come as independant components though, sometimes making it difficult to comprehend the best way to build a full-featured and coherent stack.

While we do not pretend to have the best solution for all, in this presentation we detail a proposal for a full GIS infrastructure. PostGIS and QGIS at are the core of this stack, and it covers a wide range of needs for end-users : desktop, web, mobile…

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