2019 FOSS4G Bucharest Talks speaker: Ariel Anthieni

The FOSS4G path in Argentina
We would like to present how our small community of Geoinquiet@s Argentina works. Since 2012 we have been working hard in order to evangelize about free and open source software. Drawing inspiration, and a name, from the Geoinquietos Spain micro chapter a few people started gathering (beer in between) to spread the word about free tools for geomatics. Since then, we have been able to do four conferences, some together with the OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. Recently we became an official OSGEO local chapter (the first constituted in Latin America). In order to keep growing, we have set up an nonprofit organization (Geolibres), to serve as a legal support not only for Geoinquiet@s, but also for OSM Argentina or GeochicasOSM. We propose the bid of Buenos Aires as the location for the 2021 main FOSS4G event, because we believe it would be a great opportunity for the entire region, creating new chances for exchange between key actors in the world of free and open geomatics. Our commitment is for more conferences, workshops and other projects that infect the spirit of free and open source software in more people, communities, companies, organizations and universities every time.
Interactive map of geospatial information in the City of Buenos Aires
The map is based on the concept of geographical management that highlights the importance of the location of events or objects, which allows, for example, to understand how they are spatially related, to analyze proximity and their distribution within an area.
In addition to the public map, there is an internal version that contains additional confidential information that provides all government areas with access to tools and integrated geo-referential information that promotes decisions based on data that allow, for example, to plan future actions and services, such as interventions . in the public space, inspections and verification of roadmaps and information collection.