2019 FOSS4G Bucharest Talks speaker: Jáchym Čepický
State of PyWPS
PyWPS is an open source, light-weight, Python based, implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) standard. It provides users with a relatively seamless environment where to code geo-spatial functions and models that are readily exposed to the Internet through the WWW.
Initially started in 2006, the current 4.x version takes advantage of the state-of-the-art Python infrastructure in order to provide new and useful features. The current version implements the WPS 1.0 standard entirely. The WPS 2.0.0 and it's features is currently on-hold status.
PyWPS offers a straightforward WPS development framework with the increasingly popular Python language. Python offers access to a vast array of code libraries that can be easily used in the processes, in particular those for geo-spatial data manipulation, e.g. GRASS, GDAL/OGR, Fiona, Shapely, etc., but also to statistics packages (e.g. rpy2 for R statistics) and data analysis tools (e.g. pandas). PyWPS offers storage mechanisms for process inputs and outputs and spawns processes to the background for asynchronous execution requests.
Talk will present features of the last 12 months of development and outline the roadmap for next versions of PyWPS.
Gisquick: Let’s share GIS much quicker
Gisquick is an open source geospatial data publishing platform. We have developed it for rapid sharing of our projects created with QGIS. We put together minimal set of functions for useful generic web mapping application - a web client for QGIS projects. With Gisquick, you can share GIS outputs with others easily and much quicker.
It consists of QGIS plugin, Django based server application, QGIS-server, and web/mobile clients. The process of data publishing with Gisquick is quite easy. You can create and set up your projects with QGIS (layers, metadata, print layouts), prepare it for publishing using Gisquick plugin and upload it to the server.
Gisquick is developed as an open source project under GNU GPL license, and for client-server communication it uses only open protocols (WMS, WMTS and WFS). It can be used without any significant modifications, or used as a starting point for further development.
The talk will present current status of Gisquick, it's special features, which might not be available in similar platforms and roadmap for next development.
Building FOSS4G friendly ecosystem in Central Europe
In the Czech republic and countries in the central-east European region, the market share of the open source software for geospatial is on very slowly ascending curve. We asked a question, what is the market missing, so that the acceptance of the FOSS4G software could be done in much faster way?
We came into several conclusions:
- Public administration does miss technical support
- Both do need training courses, to pass her required set of skills as fast as possible
- Current status of the FOSS4G software is still relatively diverse and the interoperability in some fields is unsatisfied, even though it's already manageable
Helping the FOSS4G software to grow into public administration organisations as well as into private sector, we started to work on an ecosystem, where users will find
- Training capacities
- Technical support
- Single point of contact for the development communities
This talk is about history of building the ecosystem in the region of the Czech republic, about activities of GISMentors open training initiative and what we do for the ecosystem to grow. Several numbers will be presented about the market and it's development during last five years.