“Analysing Geographical Access to Health Care in Nigeria using QGIS”
2019-08-29, 16:30–16:50, Coralle Room
This study explores geographical access to healthcare delivery and facilities of sampled households in Nigeria based on spatial access using Availability – number of local service points available and Accessibility -travel impedance (distance, types of transport, mode of transport, costs of transport, time taken) to determine to healthcare.
It presents a workflow of using open and free software from data collection to building the database of health facilities and household characteristics using Post GIS and cost distance analysis using SAGA GIS plug in of QGIS. Bringing in geographical variables such as DEM, road condition and types and socio economic variables, findings showed that while availability of healthcare facilities according to age is a challenge, households have not always used the nearest hospital that is available and physically accessible to them, but rather travel further. The costs of these travels are revealed. Further investigation into barriers into showed other socio - cultural issues such as costs, types and availability of health insurance, use of employer’s health facilities as larger issues considered beyond of spatial access. The patterns of these health care usage and access in the sampled household are presented.