“Exploiting PDAL + Entwine in the wild”
2019-08-30, 15:00–15:20, Opereta Room

The PDAL and Entwine stack is a powerful toolkit for managing and exploiting massive point clouds - and small point clouds, and weird point clouds. Because they're given freely to the community, small enterprises can pick them up and do incredible things - which are normally the reserve of governments, infrastructure providers, and universities. Come for a whirlwind tour of how these tools have been deployed by a tiny business on airborne LiDAR; photogrammetric point clouds; and huge bathymetric surveys - from raw data through to beautiful visualisations, which are also data as foundation infrastructure. Then stay for some words on how you don’t need to be a programmer to give back to the community which grows and supports these capabilities . It's part technical, part research, part business, and part provocation.