“Getting started with GeoServer: data configuration and styling”
2019-08-27, 09:00–13:00, Room 7
This workshop will get your started with GeoServer, covering:
- Getting to know the GeoServer configuration UI
- Setting up vector data, such as shapefile and postgis, in GeoServer
- Setting up raster data, such as geotiff, in GeoServer
- Styling maps with Styled Layer Descriptor, creating styles with desktop tools and optimizing the styling to leverage GeoServer own custom extensions
In order to participate no previous knowledge of GeoServer and OGC services is required, but a basic knowledge of GIS concepts and basic data formats (shapefiles, geotiff) is recommended.
GeoSolutions will make available an all-in-one package to run the workshop as a VM for VirtualBox or a self-contained Zip file for Windows. This should be pre-installed on attendees laptops before the workshop.