“Introduction to OGC services, with examples from GeoServer”
2019-08-29, 16:00–17:30, Room 5

This workshop will provide an introduction to OGC services, their interoperability benefits, intended use, along with some understanding of the protocol machinery.
The workshop will cover:

  • Viewing map with WMS, interactive use, abilities, telling apart standard and vendor behavior, understanding the underlying protocol
  • Viewing maps with WMTS, understanding tile grids, pyramids, the procotol, and working with dynamic data
  • Accessing vector data with WFS, interactive use, abilities, telling apart standard and vendor behavior, understanding the underlying protocol
  • Accessing vector data with WCS, interactive use, abilities, telling apart standard and vendor behavior, understanding the underlying protocol
  • Processing data with WPS, interactive use, abilities, adding processes, understanding the underlying protocol
  • Discovering data and services with CSW, interactive use, understanding the underlying protocol

In order to participate no previous knowledge of OGC services is required, but a basic knowledge of GIS concepts and basic data formats (shapefiles, geotiff) is recommended.