2019 FOSS4G Bucharest Talks speaker: Lars Agerskov Christensen

Open Street Map, get beyond just the nice map
Open Street Map is a great data provider and database in areas where data is lacking, its most well-known product is the Open Street Map Basemap, but other than overlaying your data over OSM basemaps, did you know that there are ways to map and interact with all that data in a multitude of ways. To go beyond just the nice map and to create geo-intelligence you must go beyond accessing the basemap and start interacting with the data yourself or analyse it with your own data, that not necessarily fit into the structure of Open Street Map.
This presentation will walk through some of the applications in which we made use of Open Street Map data create our own insights. We show how data can be downloaded, with just a click on a button in QGIS and showcase some of the projects and maps where we have used Open Street Map data to create geo-intelligence and here is an example how could you find the number of people supplied by a water source stored in OSM. Let us show you how. QGIS give you a lot of free options to work with Open Street Map data with heavy support so it is easy to access data, which is why we are using this piece of software to carry out the analysis on open street map data.
Social protection portal Kampala - On open source portal for humanitarian use
In close collaboration with UNICEF Uganda and GeoGecko, KCCA spearheaded the development of an online open source portal to provide a visual presentation of key social services available in Kampala. The tool is built on the backbone of four pillars aimed at (i) identifying key partners’ operations and the nature of their engagement in Kampala, (ii) mapping infrastructure points designed to deliver predetermined services (e.g. schools), (iii) summarizing parish level specific socio-economic profiles, and ultimately (iv) offer insight into the lives of young Ugandan adolescent girls accessing such service in Uganda’s capital city.
The tool is built with Open Source tools and can therefore easily be adopted to other projects, regions and be implemented in another context.
During this presentation we will (i) walk through the portal and explain how it is created, (ii) describe how it is currently used, and most importantly (iii) discuss how it can be improved and adapted to other sectors at scale.
Data is USELESS!
What is the value of data? This presentation will be about value of data and why data is useless unless it is collected and used in a right way or with the knowledge on how it is collected and therefore what its limitations are.
We will look at official data and Open Street Map and show some examples that visualize the mismatch between dataset. We will also show how data can be used, when it is updated correct and how we can go beyond just the nice Open Street Map as just a basemap. Then we will investigate what we can do about it and how Open Source tools play a huge role in this. It will open a discussion and hopefully a brainstorm on the way forward.